Happy Holidays from Local 254!
Posted OnDecember 23, 2020 byOver the past few months, members of Local 254 came out to support their community. Check out our highlights below! 3100 lbs of food donated (the most for and food drive that weekend) Hundreds of toys donated to Ronald McDonald house. In a time when donations are flagging. Several members helped build a new home…Read More

Local 254 Volunteers Getting It Done!
Posted OnDecember 7, 2020 byThis past weekend, over 130 members of Local 254 came out to support their community. Whether it is making thousands of pounds of donations to Middlesex County Foods, or donating their time to support municipal elections, members of 254 make their voices heard. Interested in participating, contact the Local 254 VOC.Read More

Spotlight: A Lasting Volunteer Partnership
Posted OnSeptember 25, 2020 byMCFOODS and FMC are so fortunate to have working relationships with many people and organizations throughout Middlesex County who value our work and our mission, and make it a priority to help out when they can. One of those organizations that has been very involved, especially since the pandemic hit, is Carpenters’ Union Local 254….Read More

Carpenters Local 254 9th Annual Picnic
Posted OnJune 17, 2020 byAugust 8th, 2020 11:30 – 4:30 Download flyer Come join us for a Family Friendly Event with Great Food & Great Fun! Tickets are $10 Each for members and their family! Children 4 and under are free! Tickets must be purchased in advanced and are required for entry. Tickets are all inclusive! Kids will enjoy…Read More

Building Communities Through Volunteering
Posted OnJanuary 9, 2020 byThe construction trades lend their hands, skills and time to worthy causes. They are responsible for building hundreds of thousands of residential and commercial structures across the state each year, yet many of the efforts New Jersey’s construction trade unions are most proud of go well beyond excavating earth and hanging drywall. These organizations volunteer…Read More